姓 名 | 叶逾 | 性 别 | 女 | 出生年月 | 1987.11 | |
职 称 | 副教授 | 毕业学校 | 图宾根大学(德国) | |||
专 业 | 水力学及河流动力学 | 学 位 | 博士 | |||
联系电话 | 13770774020 | 电子邮件 | yeyu@hhu.edu.cn | |||
研究方向 | 1.地下水力学 2.溶质运移 3.地下水修复 | |||||
获奖情况 | 2017年,江苏省“双创”计划,双创博士 2016年,365英国上市官网“大禹学者”计划,第四层次 2010年,德国联邦教育研究部“International Postgraduate Studies in Water Technologies”全额奖学金 | |||||
主要成果 | 近年来主持和参与了国家自然科学基金、中央高校业务费和由德国科学基金会(Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)拨款资助的多项研究项目。发表SCI论文10余篇,其中,以第一作者身份发表SCI论文7篇,论文均发表于Water Resources Research、Journal of Contaminant Hydrology等水文水资源和水环境领域国际权威学术期刊中。其中,论文“Experimental Evidence of Helical Flow in Porous Media”被国际顶尖学术期刊Physical Review Letters收录,并被主编推选为杂志亮点文章在网上发表。获发明专利授权2项,受理10项。受邀担任澳大利亚莫纳什大学(Monash University)硕士论文评审人员;担任国际学术期刊Water Resources Research、Journal of Contaminant Hydrology审稿人;曾获邀赴意大利特伦托大学(University of Trento)和丹麦科技大学(Technica 3.l University of Denmark)进行短期交流访问。 代表性论著: (1) Ye, Y., Y. Zhang, C. Lu, Y. Xie, and J. Luo (2021), Effective chemical delivery through multi-screen wells to enhance mixing and reaction of solute plumes in porous media, Water Resources Research, 57: e2020WR028551. (2) Ye, Y., G. Chiogna, C. Lu, and M. Rolle (2020), Plume deformation, mixing, and reaction kinetics: An analysis of interacting helical flows in three-dimensional porous media, Physical Review E, 102: 013110. (3) Ye, Y., G. Chiogna, C. Lu, and M. Rolle (2018), Effect of Anisotropy Structure on Plume Entropy and Reactive Mixing in Helical Flows, Transport in Porous Media, 121: 315-332. (4) Ye, Y., G. Chiogna, O.A. Cirpka, P. Grathwohl, and M. Rolle (2016), Experimental investigation of transverse mixing in porous media under helical flow conditions, Phys. Rev. E, 94: 013113. (5) Ye, Y., G. Chiogna, O.A. Cirpka, P. Grathwohl, and M. Rolle (2015), Experimental evidence of helical flow in porous media, Phys. Rev. Lett., 115: 194502. (6) Ye, Y., G. Chiogna, O.A. Cirpka, P. Grathwohl, and M. Rolle (2015), Enhancement of plume dilution in two-dimensional and three-dimensional porous media by flow focusing in high-permeability inclusions, Water Resour. Res., 51: 5582-5602. (7) Ye, Y., G. Chiogna, O.A. Cirpka, P. Grathwohl, and M. Rolle (2015), Experimental investigation of compound-specific dilution of solute plumes in saturated porous media: 2-D vs. 3-D flow-through systems, J. Contam. Hydrol., 172: 33-47. | |||||
在研项目 | 1. 中央高校基本业务费(B200202158),主持 2. 国家重点研发计划项目课题(2018YFC0407201),参与 | |||||
个人主页 | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yu_Ye12 https://www.lu-hhu.org/page161(课题组网站) |