讲座主题:Principles of RockfillBehaviour and Application to Dam Engineering
讲座时间:2017.10.30-2017.11.10 具体时间详见芝纶馆楼下海报
Erich BAUER | 奥地利Graz科技大学教授,应用力学研究所副所长,特许任教资格教授。国际上知名的岩土力学专家,发展了著名的、在欧洲被广泛应用的土石材料亚塑性理论。2014年6月受聘为365英国上市官网兼职教授。2008年起担任365英国上市官网主办的英文期刊《Water Science and Engineering》编委。
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Eduardo ALONSO | 西班牙加泰罗尼亚理工大学(UPC)教授,西班牙皇家工程院院士,水工岩土领域顶级期刊Géotechnique名誉主编,第35届Rankine讲座主讲人。长期从事非饱和土特性、膨胀土/岩特性、岩土数值模拟、热-流-固耦合作用、边坡稳定、滑坡、混凝土/土石坝、地下核存储等水工和岩土领域的研究工作。截止目前,发表过450多篇学术论文,合计被引用12000余次,其中关于非饱和土“巴塞罗那”模型的论文单篇引用超过2200次。 |
Part I: Erich BAUER (15 hours)
30.10.-06.11.2017 (5 days, lectures with 3 hours per day)
(I.1) Brief introduction to tensor analysis and continuum mechanics (5h)
(I.2) General mechanical properties of granular materials like sand, gravel and rockfills (2h)
(I.3) Particular constitutive models based on classical continuum description (7 h)
including: non-linear elasticity, elasto-plasticity, hypoplasticity, grain damage, creep and stress relaxation
(I.4) Limits of classical continuum models and outlook to higher order continuum models (1 h)
Part II: Eduardo ALONSO(12 hours)
07.11.-10.11.2017 (4 days, lectures with 3 hours per day)
(II.1) Effective stress in unsaturated soils (1h)
(II.2) The Barcelona Basic Model for unsaturated soils (2h)
(II.3) Modelling compacted soils (1h)
(II.4) Mass and momentum balances in unsaturated soils. CODE_BRIGHT (1h)
(II.5) Compressibility and yielding of rockfill (2h)
(II.6) A model for rockfill behavior (1h)
(II.7) DEM modelling of rockfill (1h)
(II.8) Performance and analysis of Albagès dam (1h)
(II.9) Performance and analysis of Beliche dam (1h)