WANG Weiqiang


姓 名


性 别



职 称



伍伦贡大学 (澳大利亚)

专 业


学 位






1. 水工新结构体系

2. 新型FRP-混凝土组合结构

3. 工程结构智能减灾(结构抗爆抗冲击)

4. 工程结构智能建造(3D打印混凝土技术)


1. 江苏特聘教授计划

2. 优秀博士论文



 近年来,主要致力于高性能工程材料以及智能建造技术在新建混凝土结构中的应用研究。围绕新型FRP-混凝土组合结构、结构抗爆抗冲击以及智能3D打印混凝土技术等方面的关键科学问题,取得了一些创新性成果。目前,在上述科研领域共发表论文40余篇,其中高质量期刊论文30篇。研究成果主要发表在结构工程领域主流期刊,如美国土木工程师学会Journal of Composites for Construction-ASCEEngineering StructuresThin-Walled StructuresConstruction and Building MaterialsInternational Journal of Impact Engineering以及Composite Structures等。论文总被引近500次,H因子14。目前担任振动工程领域SCI期刊Shock and Vibration编委以及材料结构领域SCI期刊Buildings, Crystals客座编委,同时担任国际结构混凝土协会(fib)“混凝土结构数字化建造”分会委员。

 代表性论著 (*代表通讯作者):

[1] Feng H., Li Z., Wang W.*, Liu G. et al. Deflection hardening behaviour of ductile fibre reinforced magnesium phosphate cement-based composite. Cement and Concrete Composites. 2021;121:104079.

[2] Wang W.*, Wu C., Yu Y., Zeng J.-j. Dynamic responses of hybrid FRP-concrete-steel double-skin tubular column (DSTC) under lateral impact. Structures. 2021;32:1115-44.

[3] Wang W.*, Konstantinidis N., Austin S.A., Buswell R.A. et al. Flexural Behaviour of AR-Glass textile reinforced 3D printed concrete beams. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2020; 28: 728-37.

[4] Wang W.*, Wu C. *, Liu Z., An K. et al. Experimental investigation of the hybrid FRP-UHPC-Steel double-skin tubular columns under lateral impact loading. Journal of Composites for Construction-ASCE. 2020;24:04020041.

[5] Wang W.*, Wu C.*, Liu Z. Compressive behavior of hybrid double-skin tubular columns with ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced concrete (UHPFRC). Engineering Structures. 2019;180:419-41.

[6] Wang W.*, Wu C.*, Li J., Liu Z. et al. Lateral impact behavior of double-skin steel tubular (DST) members with ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced concrete (UHPFRC). Thin-Walled Structures. 2019;144:106351.

[7] Wang W.*, Wu C.*, Li J., Liu Z. et al. Behavior of ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) filled steel tubular members under lateral impact loading. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 2019;132:103314.

[8] Wang W.*, Wu C.*, Liu Z., Si H. Compressive behavior of ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) confined with FRP. Composite Structures. 2018;204:419-37.

[9] Wang W., Wu C.*, Li J. Numerical simulation of hybrid FRP-Concrete-Steel double-skin tubular columns under close-range blast loading. Journal of Composites for Construction-ASCE. 2018;22:04018036.

[10] Wang W., Sheikh M.N., Al-Baali A.Q., Hadi M.N.S*. Compressive behaviour of partially FRP confined concrete: Experimental observations and assessment of the stress-strain models. Construction and Building Materials. 2018;192:785-97.

[11] Wang W., Martin P.R., Sheikh M.N., Hadi M.N.S*. Eccentrically loaded FRP confined concrete with different wrapping schemes. Journal of Composites for Construction-ASCE. 2018;22:04018056.

[12] Wang W., Sheikh M.N., Hadi M.N.S.*, Gao D. et al. Behaviour of concrete-encased concrete-filled FRP tube (CCFT) columns under axial compression. Engineering Structures. 2017;147:256-68.

[13] Wang W., Sheikh M.N., Hadi M.N.S.* Experimental study on FRP tube reinforced concrete columns under different loading conditions. Journal of Composites for Construction-ASCE. 2016;20:04016034.

[14] Wang W., Sheikh M.N., Hadi M.N.S.* Axial compressive behaviour of concrete confined with polymer grid. Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions. 2016;49:3893-908.

[15] Wang W., Sheikh M.N., Hadi M.N.S.* Behaviour of perforated GFRP tubes under axial compression. Thin-Walled Structures. 2015;95:88-100.


1. 英国皇家学会/国家自然科学基金委员会,IEC\NSFC\191574Exploring reinforcement for 3D Concrete Printing2020-2022(主要申请人)

2. 英国工程和物理科学研究理事会,EP/S019618/1Design-for manufacture of 3D concrete printed structural composites (DfM:3DCP)2019-2023(主要参与人)

3. 英国工程和物理科学研究理事会,EP/S031405/1Manufacturing integrated building components using digital hybrid Concrete Printing (HCP) technology2019-2022(主要参与人)

